Blog - what is God doing?

Often I find myself asking the wrong question or not asking enough questions.
That’s why it’s great to have a toddler, they’re always asking questions.
They want to know why, who, when, what… all the time!

When you read a book like Judges, it’s easy to ask the wrong questions.
What – but we should be asking who?
When – but we should asking why?

A story like the one of Deborah and Barak (Judges 4-5) has much to say to us, but we need to ask the right questions:
What does God reveal about who he is? And who we are?
What does he show us about what he’s doing? And what we are to do?

Chapters 4 and 5 are woven together to tell the one story, but from 2 perspectives. While chapter 4 is more historical, chapter 5 is more theological


Reflecting on this section, Tim Keller reminds us to,
“Live our lives historically – see what has happened,
and theologically – ask what is God doing.”
Too often we think historically –
we look back at the previous day, week, month or year and remember all the events, the feelings, the hopes, the successes, the failures.
But at each step we need to ask, what is God doing?
When things are drifting along, what is God doing?
When things don’t make sense, what is God doing?
In pain, what is he doing?
In success, what is he doing?

The story of Deborah is a story for each one of us,
a reminder that no matter where we are, what we’re doing,
God is at the centre of it all.

He is working in unlikely ways,
using unlikely people,
achieving unlikely results.


This is an excerpt from the sermon entitled, “Deborah”.