Did you know that the Word of God speaks about two humanities? It does. Read Psalm 1. There is one humanity that knows Him, and one humanity that doesn’t. There is one humanity that worships Him, and one humanity that doesn’t. There is one humanity that has a hope that rescues them from the grave. There is one that doesn’t. And so what’s the difference? In New Testament terms, the difference is Jesus. Dressed in the righteousness of Jesus, one humanity lives to honour and serve and love the God who made them. The other humanity does not. They don’t live to serve the God who made them because they aren’t dressed in the righteousness of Jesus. They don’t know what true righteousness looks like. They don’t know what forgiveness looks like. They don’t know what the love of God can really do. They haven’t tasted it. And here’s the really good news. Dressed in the righteousness of Jesus, one humanity will stand with Him in glory and see Him face to face. What a glorious hope that is.

Pastor Duncan